have you noticed how many times luigi's sprites have been changed for super mario world?

a total of 4 times!

from left to right:
Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario Advance 2, Super Mario Maker 2.

there's important information that you need to know to realize why luigi's sprites got changed in the first place:
luigi's unique sprites were made before the original super mario world came out.
the nintendo gigaleak has revealed this was the case, as there's many sprites for all-stars luigi that can be found in super mario world's source code.
so it can be assumed that luigi's unique sprites weren't finished by the time the original game had to come out, so they just recolored mario and went on their merry way.
by the time all-stars + world came out, luigi's new sprites were finished and added to this re-release. he has so much personality compared to mario!
he crosses his arms, he slides on his legs, he gets scared when shooting fireballs, it's a great set of sprites!
so obviously they'd add these sprites to mario advance 2, right?
wrong. for some reason, they took and edited many of luigi's mario 2 sprites and added them to mario world. what a waste of time!! plus they look awful!
he doesn't even have the correct shading style and everything.

so for super mario maker 2, with the vast amount of new mario world styled sprites they had to create,
one would assume they'd use the luigi sprites MADE for the ORIGINAL game, right?
WRONG AGAIN!!!! i thought they were the same as all-stars luigi until i looked closer! now, let's compare smw luigi (recolored mario) to mario maker 2 luigi.

notice anything strange here? there's two things. first off, luigi's color palette is much closer to mario, as his skin tone is the same pinkish tone as mario's.
in the original smw and smas, luigi's palette had a more orange-ish skin tone. second of all, notice luigi's body?
the mario maker 2 luigi body is the exact same as mario's, just taller by a pixel!
meaning that all of luigi's unique and personality-filled sprites are ALL replaced by generic copies of mario's animations! how lame!!!!
those smw sprites were so good... why didn't they bring them back???