frozen bubble is a pretty old freeware puzzle bobble clone for linux.

recently, the website for the game,, went down for unknown reasons, though it may be because the game has basically been abandoned since 2017.
the github page for the game is still up, thankfully, though you can see it hasn't been worked on for years now.
the game isn't technically abandonware yet, because the source code is still up, but the release version is gone without the wayback machine.
also i guess there's an unofficial bastardized bootleg port for android, but it sucks so im not counting that.

i have never actually played the game, because i have never used linux. there IS a fanmade windows port... of a super old version and also it's super broken.
the creator... hates windows. and doesn't allow windows ports. which sucks!!!!
i mean, i get being against microsoft's shady practices but let's be real, your game will not get much attention, especially in the modern day when most pc users are using windows!
it feels very strange but, i don't really blame them.

anyway, the only real part of the game i can... well, do anything with, is the music. the music of this game is beautiful and cute. made with a tracker too, which is cool!!! take a listen to the 1 player theme.

or, the title theme, which is pretty funky.

now, you may have noticed that the window on the screenshot above says "frozen bubble 2".
i believe this is just version 2 of the same game, which changed a lot. just an assumption though.

if you want to play the game, or listen to the music, here are some links!