You know Knuckles. I don't have to tell you who he is. However, I will say that he looks extremely weird in this game.
Entirely pink, his dreads are a bit bigger than they should be, and he just looks like a weird ass dog.

Knuckles notices a new island has risen from the ocean as a result of the Master Emerald's presence causing tectonic activity.
He speculates that the island may contain the remnants of the old Echidna Tribe,
and sets off to investigate, leaving the Master Emerald behind.

Wall Climb

Oh boy, here we go. Knuckles absolutely SUCKS in this game, he feels god awful to play.
His gliding completely halts his momentum. Not to mention that it's extremely slow, just like his wall climb.
In my opinion, he is the worst out of any regular playable character to play as.

  • Sonic Mania's Knuckles sprites take inspiration from this game's color palette, making him pink.
  • There's an unused sprite where he's screaming in a jump ball.