Charmy is a powerhouse that Tails wishes he could be.
Charmy came to the island in search of new flowers, but just so happened to get caught up in everything...
Air Dash
Charmy can just completely dash through every level with little to no care about anything around him for as long as he wants.
However, this makes the game Not Fun In The Slightest, so only choose him if you suck or something.
Oh yeah, did you know he can fly in any direction if you hold the dash button and hold any direction you want him to go?
- In the Japanese manual, Charmy's occupation is listed as a sprinter, his hobby is "Napping", and his likes are "The Sun" and "Honey".
He apparently hates being mocked.
He is supposedly the first insect in the Sonic universe to ever cross the speed of sound. He is also said to be very mature.
- Charmy might seem like it, but he's not actually a newcomer. He existed, albeit with a completely different design,
way back in the Sonic Manga series. Eventually, his design was changed to resemble how he looks in this game.
- Charmy's age is listed as 16 in the English manual.
- Charmy's official art shows him wearing a yellow vest with a black stripe despite his ingame sprites not having a vest
and his body being black with a yellow stripe.