I'll make a button for it eventually, but for now, it's just a link.
every page now uses the css style code for the background and blue text,
which means that seasonal changes will change the ENTIRE WEBSITE now!
i also added and changed around a few things, including removing the resources section entirely.
it just wasn't useful.
next update should be a big overhaul of my OC page.
i plan to add sub-pages to make it easier to find the main stuff.
i also plan to remove the sonic 2 gijinkas page for now and move olivia to the "other oc's" page.
updates will still be slim and small for now, unfortunately.
anyway, i updated spindel's main art and added some extra trivia!
i'm also in the slow process of making the bulk of the website more formal.
that means that text, probably outside of this page, will be capitalized correctly and stuff.
i don't know why i kept it all lowercase for so long!
you can tell that sometimes i get super inconsistent and type formally anyway, so why not just make it widespread?
also, i had only just realized that the website is now 1 year old... and i totally missed it!
september 15th... i will rememeber next time.
hey, wait, isn't that the day that undertale came out?
nothing is coming for the other holidays, maybe except for my birthday.
for my birthday i might just put hamster dance as the main site page song lol.
sorry i wasn't able to put a lot of effort into this halloween's makeover. at least i actually did something this time!
laptop's been on life support for the past few months unfortunately. ever not had money!?
only oil ocean has art so far, but it's really cute!!!
also, tomorrow is halloween. :O
a cool things page!!! just stuff i wanna share! go check it out on my about me page!!
halloween is my favorite holiday, so it's only fair that i finally create a seasonal makeover...
i know it's not that great, just some changed music and font color on the main page and a few skeleton gifs...
my laptop's on life support right now, though! it's the best i can do for now, alright!?
once i get it back up & runnin' like usual, i'll try to give the WHOLE site a makeover!
it'll require that i change a lot of things about the website under the surface, so stay tuned!
i've also added some new music from petscop.
Fun trivia: Go to an invalid URL and click around!
it's still a WIP, but everything i've finished is there. enjoy!
i'm thinking of moving to nekoweb, however,
i am deathly afraid of the "copyright infringement" part of their TOS and what it means.
my site has some nintendo stuff on it, including music, so if that counts, i might not.
it felt dirty to put it on the main page so i put it there instead.
i won't hesitate to take it down if people start using it for other purposes. again, this is experimental right now.
i've always wanted to find a way to have some sort of communication through my site, so this is the best i can do.
pink sea was unfitting especially with the rest of the site.
Huh? A door randomly appeared on one of the pages? Don't be silly.
music page also updated to include "Treatment".
only put them there because they look better than mine and can probably be used as better references if you want to make art of them.
(send them to me on tumblr!!!!!)
all of the music comes from yume nikki.
but the entire website code has been organized and such. you might have also noticed that there's an entry page to the website now.
background's also been changed!!
removed the 7th rambling entry, it didn't feel fitting for the site.
a few months ago, my up arrow key broke off, but ive been able to make do for awhile.
however, as of a few days ago, my F key broke off. not entirely, just enough to make it annoying.
just a few days later, a few minutes ago as i'm writing this, my down arrow key got very loose.
this thing might break soon, and trying to edit the site on mobile is hell. so if site updates slow down, that's probably why.
nothing special today but i'm going to attempt to optimize the site a bit code-wise.
nothing should change when it comes to actually viewing the site,
other than the blinkies being next to each other like how i wanted them to be the whole time!
this time it's about the mario all-stars brick physics and the stupid mistake a programmer made.
a place for me to ramble about facts i find interesting in the things that i like.
once again, you can find it in the "about me" section!
the first entry is about luigi's sprites for super mario world, and how they've changed in every re-release.
hope you find that interesting :]
i added an oc's page you can find through the "about me" section though :]
but we're good now! i added a little kitty on the mew mew page.
planning to make 2 more pages tomorrow possibly?
i finally was able to change the text colors!
the cyan is a bit darker now to make it easier to read against the star background and the main text is pink now :)
all i had to do was remove the cookies for the site. god i hate browser cookies.
i'm gonna update my projects page after i "post" this. woo!!
REALLY tired of people ignoring her to the point where sprite sheets don't even use accurate sprites.
i hesitated for awhile but i'm gonna try working on one now. i might just put the interests page into that one but we'll see.
also thinking of making a page about weird video game facts i know.
i'm not gonna link these anywhere until they're done, i think i just should've done that the whole time with my other pages.
sorry to anyone who came to my page during the editing time and got blasted with horrible font choices. i was testing stuff out.
im gonna change the purple to something better too. maybe yellow or pink or something. we'll see.
i couldnt think of where else to put it!! the page is now slightly big enough to where i can finally scroll down now. hell yeah.
this is exactly how i wanted it to look. of course it's not amazing or anything but ahhh!! i love it!!
tumblr will still be my main place but i loved building this little website, i have to use it i just have to i love this little place.
already 320 visitors wow!! i don't know any of you!! that's fucking cool. i'm planning to add another page about characters i like so stay tuned for the lesbian page. goodnight!!!!!!!!!!
i guess this place is going to be a little bit of site updates, a bit of blog stuff if i remember i even have this place, and whatever else i can think of. personal websites are a pretty dead concept nowadays so i don't expect anyone to come here at all.
anyhow, i hope you enjoy this place! making this site is fun!
it's nice to learn some HTML though. there's like, nothing here right now, sorry. there's an error page though...